Do You Wish To Know What Your Animals Are Saying?

Be it your own pets or a stray, an animal on your farm or an animal in a shelter – you would be surprised to know that all of these animals would love to communicate with you. Animals often have wonderful stories to share, wonderful experiences they want to tell about and in many cases, even unusual nuggets of wisdom to share.

Animal communication consultations can also help you go deep into things you would like to better understand about your animals, like their behaviors, thoughts and feelings. You can also understand your animals perspective about a past situation or a future upcoming change.

So, do wish to know more about your animals and listen to them speak?

We can fix up a consultation where you can ask your animals specific questions, or even just have a general conversation with them.

Types of Consultations


An hour-long phone call between you, your pets, and me. You ask them questions and I answer on their behalf. You can also be a part of the conversation and get an experience of telepathic communication. Can be done for up to four animals.


The complete conversation with your animal is sent to you via email. A single consultation for a single animal or natural entity.